Competition Winners Announced!
These house builder competitions are just so munch fun! We had 60 entries this time, and the quality of house design and build among our members just gets better and better! It was a real tough call, and I wish I had 20 prizes to give away, because there were just so many great houses sent in, it’s a shame not to award all of them! But, we had to narrow it down to 5, so here they are. House builders of the highest order, all on the receiving end of The Sims: Unleashed expansion pack… "Ambrosia" - Stephanie B "Forrest Park Apartments" - Pamysue "Competition House" - Chezzer "Unleashed Competition House" - Singtress "Mrs Troopers Retreat" - Trooper69 The winners houses are all published today for you to see and download in the Houses Database. The other 55 entries will appear during the coming week. Thanks to everyone who entered, and keep an eye out for the next Members Competition real soon. Non members, don’t feel too left out… we have a special treat for you this coming week too!
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